Saturday, October 24, 2009

There Is an Election in These Parts

In a little over a week. It's amazing how many incumbents now have web sites and new features where they are eager to talk to the rabble their constituents and find out what is on their minds and where they eagerly promise to do what they can to help out the voters. My favorite was a sign I saw that said "re-elect me, a fresh look at government."

Color me cynical. I'll bet that those web sites go inactive the day after the election. We won't hear a peep out of any of them for the next 21 or 45 months. Then they will all surface, again, to proclaim how much they really and truly care about us.

I suppose I should not be so blatantly cynical about this. None of them are going to be honest and say: "Vote for me, I'm not as much of a corrupt cocksucker as my opponent is." But it bothers me when I see elected officials who are basically invisible for years suddenly start to promote their accessibility to the public and their concern for the well-being of the electorate.

Spare us. We know better.


  1. One of our county supervisors was very upset at a recent supervisors meeting when a group concerned about a hot button issue published his cell phone # on a flyer. His cell phone # is on the home page of his website.
    Heaven forbid any constituents try to let this guy know what they're thinking...

  2. Cynicism is what keeps us from "going postal" when "Business As Usual" returns after the election.


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