Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cram Down

Shove it right down their fucking throats!
President Barack Obama's effort to overhaul the nation's health care system is expected to clear its last committee hurdle Tuesday -- but almost certainly without the strong bipartisan endorsement he and some moderate Republicans have sought.
Meanwhile, the health insurance industry has paid for a study that, quelle surprise!, says that doing anything to reform health insurance (and which would hurt health insurance companies' profits) is a bad idea.

Right. We've been down this road before, with studies from the coal industry that proclaim that climate change is no problem and with studies from the tobacco industry that said there was no link between smoking and lung cancer.

Anyone who sees any credibility in a study which is paid for by any industry which proclaims that "doing anything to change business as usual would be bad" has mush for brains. You can bet dollars to dog shit that any politician who speaks favorably about this health insurance industry study has been bought and paid for by the heal insurers' lobbyists.

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