Friday, October 16, 2009

Bernie Sanders is Either Very Polite

or very, very stupid. An article about the debate on health care insurance among Senate Democrats had this nugget:
Senator Sanders said the debate Thursday “went up a few decibels higher than it usually does in caucus meetings.” He said he had told [Senator] Baucus that more than 60 percent of the public and more than 80 percent of Democrats supported creation of a public insurance plan. “It’s difficult to understand why we can’t give the American people what they want,” Mr. Sanders said.
It's not difficult to understand at all. Sen. Baucus has taken millions of dollars in campaign contributions from the health insurance industry. That's why Stephen Colbert suggested sending your medical bills to Baucus. Industries do not give millions of dollars to any one politician because they are boosters of the democratic process. They give that kind of cash because they are getting something for their money and Baucus has been giving them very good value for their money.

Bernie Sanders was probably being polite. He has to know what is going on.

And it will probably get worse once the fascist wing of the Supreme Court removes all restrictions on corporations financing politicians.

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