Friday, October 9, 2009

At Least One Republican Showed Some Class

Tim Pawlenty:
"I would say regardless of the circumstances, congratulations to President Obama for winning the Nobel Prize. I know there will be some people who are saying 'Was it based on good intentions and thoughts or is it going to be based on good results?' But I think the appropriate response is when anybody wins a Nobel Prize that is a very noteworthy development and designation and I think the appropriate response is to say 'Congratulations."
As for the rest of that pack, not so much. I have to wonder if Republicans would cheer on a nuclear attack on the United States during the Obama Presidency.


1 comment:

  1. If 9/11 happened today, would Obama's approval rating go above 90% like W's did ?

    I don't think so either.

    Don Brown


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