Thursday, October 22, 2009

And They Said That the Iraq War Was Not About Oil

Except when they want it to be about oil, I guess:
Oil tycoon T. Boone Pickens told Congress on Wednesday that U.S. energy companies are "entitled" to some of Iraq's crude because of the large number of American troops that lost their lives fighting in the country and the U.S. taxpayer money spent in Iraq.
"Entitled"? Sort of like the way that the United Fruit Company was "entitled" to control Nicaragua or the British East India Company was "entitled" to control South Asia?

I didn't see any U.S. oil company making large donations to the Treasury to help offset the cost of the Iraq War. If anything, when the price of oil spiked, the oil companies made huge profits and I didn't see them offering to share any of it.

"Entitled", my ass.


  1. Well, by his reasoning, it should be freely available to all Americans, or at least the families of veterans.

    It would, of course, be inhuman to put a price on the lives of our brave kids.

    Thanks for the offer, T-bone!

  2. white man and or big man entitlement mentality gets so old and that's exactly how they think..


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