Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tom Ridge on the Daily Show

Jon Stewart did get in a sly dig at Fox News's favorite crybaby:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Tom Ridge
Daily Show
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Tom Ridge: "We can never be failsafe.... we cannot create a perfect failsafe system....we cannot be breathless about it." He made the case that the U.S. needs to fund foreign aid in order to put a better face on the U.S., other than the image that has been projected to the world over the last eight years (that of a nation which uses torture, murder and aggression to deal with the world).

Jon Stewart also got in a nice smack at Dick Cheney, too.


  1. It isn't enough this dude helped start a war based on 9/11, now he wants to profit from it as well.

  2. I kind of doubt that he will earn enough from his book to buy more than a decent steak dinner at Morton's.

    For if I were at all interested in the book, I'd get it from the library.


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