Monday, August 17, 2009

Yeah, Good Luck With That

"Twenty years after the Cold War ended, this is simply not acceptable. It's irresponsible. Our troops and our taxpayers deserve better," [President Obama] told a national convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. "If Congress sends me a defense bill loaded with a bunch of pork, I will veto it."
Good luck with that, Mr. President. The way things are going for you right now, if the Republicans saw a political gain in replacing the M-4/M-16 rifles with matchlocks,

they'd ram the bill through Congress somehow. Hell, if a government lab came up with a vaccine that prevented all forms of cancer, Republicans would block all funding for further research. The sole aim of the GOP is to obstruct anything that President Obama wants. Whether or not that is good for the country is not relevant to the GOP.

It is fucking high time that this Administration wakes up to this point: The Republicans in Congress are no less of an enemy to the Obama Administration than are the Taliban.

Obama had better start playing some real hardball if he wants to get shit done. This nicey-nice "post-partisanship" shit isn't getting the job done. Between the bald-faced lies of the Right and the corrupt self-interest of some senators from states which have fewer voters than there are cookies in a box of Girl Scout thin mints, this Administration is getting its lunch taken away.


  1. Effin' depressing. The only thing Obama has going for him is the quality of his enemies. Let's face it, when the face of the Republican Party is Caribou Barbie, Michelle the Maniac, and Rush Limpdick, Obama has to be counting his blessings, because any sensible person who sees those folks frothing at the mouth, spittle flying from their face, has to say "those Republicans are full of it." But having that advantage ain't worth a bucket of warm shit if you ain't gonna use it...

    - Badtux the "Better Democrats, please?" Penguin

  2. The GOP represents a greater enemy than the Taliban. The Taliban isn't sending armed thugs into townhall meetings to disrupt a serious discussion of America's health-care system. The GOP tactics are dividing America and doing harm to its citizens.

  3. Awesome, EB. I like your style. :) And your blog, which I'm adding to my "collection" (there is another name for it, I'm sure, but it skips my mind at this moment -- sorry!)

  4. Elizabeth, do you mean "following"?


  5. Yes, EB, that's what I meant.

    I think. :)


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