Sunday, August 9, 2009

Random Blog Surfing Output

Sometimes I'll just go to a blog and start surfing through its blog roll and then the blogroll of the second blog and so on and so forth. Which is how I came across this blog which linked to the story that the FBI has executed a search warrant on the New Orleans PD.

Back during Hurricane Katrina, the NOLA PD opened fire on a bunch of people on the Danziger Bridge, killing two and wounding four more. The local investigation found that the cops were justified in shooting unarmed people fleeing the flooding. The Department of Justice apparently begs to differ:
Federal agents this week raided the office of the New Orleans Police Department homicide division, seizing the files and computer hard drives of two officers assigned to investigate police conduct in one deadly post-Katrina shooting episode, law enforcement sources told The Times-Picayune.
That the locals found nothing wrong is no shocker. After all, a cop who beat up a retired school teacher and who was caught on video administering the beating was acquitted. The New Orleans police have a well-deserved and long-standing reputation for brutality. None of this is especially shocking.

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