Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Explain This One to Me

Why is it that wearing an anti-Bush t-shirt to a Bush public event would get one arrested (at the order of the Secret Service) or kicked out five years ago, but bringing guns to an Obama public event is just peachy?

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Here is one difference: The Bush Administration worked very hard to make sure that there was no visible public dissent to an appearance by the Chumperor, viewing people who wore anti-Bush t-shirts as security threats worthy of Secret Service attention. The Obama Administration is not so fearful.

Which begs the question: Why did the Bush Administration so fear people exercising their First Amendment rights, while the Obama Administration does not fear people exercising their Second Amendment rights?

Or: Why do Republicans hate freedom so?


  1. ...which begs the question...

    which prompts the question...

  2. Excellent. Well-put, EB.


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