Monday, July 20, 2009

Why Isn't This Guy Cooling His Heels in Guantanamo?

Randall Terry, oberfuhrer of Operation Rescue. He has stated that his followers will commit acts of terrorism if the health care insurance bill provides coverage for abortion services.

I cannot think of one person who claimed to be concerned with national politics, since the civil rights era, who threatened that violence would ensue if he did not get his way.

So why isn't this guy now inhabiting a cell at either Guantanamo or GITMO North (the naval brig in Charleston, SC)?

And you will wait a very long time for the chorus of Republican bloviatiors, the same ones who were so concerned about Bill Ayers, to denounce Randall Terry. You probably will not hear a peep about this on Fixed News.

Hypocritical bastards, all of them

(H/T to Think Progress)

1 comment:

  1. Because we're not in control yet.

    But if we were . . . .

    Keep on keeping it real.



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