Monday, June 15, 2009

Nanny State to the Tenth Power

The first “anti-stab” knife is to go on sale in Britain, designed to work as normal in the kitchen but to be ineffective as a weapon.
I hate to break it to you blokes over in Blightly, but knives aren't exactly high-tech weapons. Anyone with a half-way decent grinding wheel will put a point back on those knives in short order. It'll take longer with a mill file, but it can be done. Hell, it could even be done, slowly, with a patch of rough concrete.

Besides that, as any real knife pro knows, the proper way to use a knife is as a slashing weapon. The Samurai sword was a slashing weapon; you could press your fingers against the edge with little injury, but do that and slide your hand down the sword and they'd be calling you "Stubby". Slide a few inches of sharp steel against your opponent's neck and he is a dead man.

Once the goons figure out the proper way to use a knife, then what are you going to do?


  1. My training was that you never stab anyone, always slash. And that in a knife fight slashing would always have to be guarded against. To kill by stabbing you have to hit a vital spot. Proper slashing makes a much larger wound that also looks a lot messier. When you stab you might hit bone which while injuring a person, seems to make it a lot harder to actually stop them. But I was trained for defense not offense.

  2. But when knives are criminalized, only criminals will be chefs.

    Or something.

    Maybe I should go find a nice vicious Gordon Ramsey clip on Youtube.

  3. ...never bring a knife to a built-in underwear holster

    thought you might like this

    Thank tengrain


  4. Tengrain, ever hear of Thunderwear? Or the wife-beater t-shirt that is also a holster?

  5. I got a Cub Scout knife when I was eight years old. It had this same feature, which I figured out how to defeat the moment I found out where my parents kept the sharpening stone.

    The only good thing you can say about such a feature is that it can keep you from stabbing yourself, or someone else, accidentally.


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