Thursday, June 11, 2009

If You Line Your Windows With Tinfoil

You may not be entirely crazy.

The next fad in surveillance technology is "surveillance blimps".

This shit is starting to get a little too creepy.

I wonder what the going rate is for a nice laser pointer in the 500W range.....

UPDATE: About a kilobuck (or AMU) per watt, it seems. Waaay too rich for my blood.


  1. Do I detect a subtle "Terminator" reference? Be careful, they're watching...

    Though I do have to say, I basically agree. Did you notice that the 60th anniversary of the first publication of 1984 was a couple of days ago?

  2. Yow. What our masters won't think of next. This is my favorite part:

    Raytheon says local authorities could install a built-in LED screen to attract sponsors, generate revenue and defer operating costs.

    I think I've seen that before. Blade Runner

  3. Lockwood, you do.

    Sarah, you have. Truth does follow fiction.

  4. I kid you not, last winter a friend and I were at the cemetery visiting my mom's site, and one of those white blimps was hovering overhead.
    My friend and I had both worked in advertising and we wondered who was sponsoring it.
    Then we both figured it was a drone from the feds. Creepy to learn we were probably right.

  5. Too bad they don't use hydrogen anymore. Heh ...

  6. pretty soon it really will be 1984 - everything else is starting to be

  7. I cheked with my friend and she still has pics of the drone on her camera.
    I'll try to get her to send them to me so I can share them with you.
    Oh, and skip the tinfoiled windows--if they see them I suspect they'll send someone on the ground to investigate.

  8. What's an AMU? American Monetary Unit or something?

  9. AMU = Aircraft Maintenance Unit; a thousand dollars.


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