Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Cat Is My Co-Pilot

A tiger cat rides on the glareshield of a Cessna 172.


  1. Beautiful cat. Dangerous seating.

  2. Having had many occasions to remove cats from the dashboard of my car while driving them to the vet, I can tell you there's no way to convince them that it's a lousy place to hang out.

  3. That is one chill cat. Just hangin' out, except during the landing, where he was like "wtf?" until the plane was on the ground and puttering down the runway. My guys absolutely freak out in a car, no way would I ever let them out of the kitty carrier...

  4. That is a great cat! Apparently she likes boat rides too. Here is another video with Iris' ear protection in action. She is way more patient and brave than my cats would be.

  5. Very pretty kitty...but it doesn't like landings any better than I do!


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