A blog by a "sucker" and a "loser" who served her country in the Navy.
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Wednesday, April 22, 2009
What About Lynndie England?
Why, if it so wrong to prosecute the CIA's torturers, was it right and honorable to go after a bunch of junior enlisted men and women for doing what they were ordered to do?
But that is no surprise, is it? They weren't rogue guards, they were doing what the men in the shadows told them to do. Only they were stupid about it; they took photos, the photos leaked out and the Bush Administration, made up of a group of ghouls not noted for personal courage, hung them out to dry.
That is another reason, to my mind, why we need to prosecute the senior members of the Bush Administration, including Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney. They ordered this and then, when the troops were caught, they cut them loose to face the wrath of the civilized world.
Does anyone now doubt the utter cowardice and soullessness of Dick Cheney? He is as close to evil incarnate as we have had in the upper levels of our government in many a year.
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Hopefully the outcome is what happens when right meets wrong. "This country does not torture" will be remembered as well as " I did not have sex with that woman". And the price paid will be comemsurate.