Friday, April 17, 2009

Torture Nation

Does anyone believe that if Iran, say, captured an American soldier, kept him awake for eleven days straight, bashed his head and body against plywood walls with a towel around his neck, forced him to stand and sit in stress positions finessed by the Communist Chinese, stuck him in a dark coffin for hours, and then waterboarded him, that the New York Times would describe him as a victim of "harsh interrogation techniques"? Do you think Mike Allen [of Time magazine] would give anonymity to a top Iranian official who defended these techniques as vital to Iran's national security?

The last seven years have revealed that almost the entire American establishment views itself as immune to the moral and ethical rules it applies to every other country in the world. Now we know, at least. And you can be sure they will protecting each other to the bitter end.
I have no faith anymore in the Fourth Estate's ability to act a a bulwark to protect our liberties and freedoms. They're often great around the margins, in dealing with small-time corruption and abuses of power, but the Bush Administration engaged in the systematic commission of war crimes while the large news organizations closed their eyes to what went on.

They were the "good little Germans" of the Bush Administration.

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