Sunday, April 26, 2009

This Pandemic Has Been Brought to You By the Republican Party

That is the story in the Nation, which reported that the Republicans were very proud in being able to strip nearly a billion dollars' worth of funding for pandemic flu preparations from the stimulus bill. As noted in the article, Sen. Susan Collins of Maine was a leader in the move to strip funding for pandemic preparation. As she brags in her own website:
Sen. Collins expressed concern about a number of spending provisions, including $780 million for pandemic-flu preparedness.
I predict that, if the swine flu turns into a real pandemic, you will see Republicans running for cover on this even faster than sick people going to the pharmacy with a prescription for Tamiflu.

1 comment:

  1. Gee -- monitor volcanos and prepare for pandemics -- what else did the (R) side dislike that will soon come to a newscast near you? Gotta love 'em for the comedy, if they weren't so bad for the country.


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