Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Ted Stevens

The money quote:
Just for good measure, though, let's pause to ponder whether, say, Alberto Gonzales would have gone to these lengths to clear a Democratic senator convicted on corruption charges. It seems rather unlikely, doesn't it?
"Rather unlikely" as in "when cows dance ballet."



  1. Here you go. One cow ballet.

    Gotta go, busy with the socialist plot to conquer America on behalf of the Antarctic hoards. Bwahahahaha!

  2. Okay, I never thought I'd say this but I wish Holder was a tad *less* honorable.
    But on the other hand, his actions did make Alberto Gonzalez seem even less competent and much sleazier, which I would have thought impossible.

  3. Actually, Gonzo's DoJ repeatedly went after some Democratic politicians despite having a weak case.

    Sad as it is to watch Stevens go free, it was the right thing to do. The DoJ has to be about the law, or we get government that's out of control.


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