Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Say You Have a Customer Service Business

And say that you have, like so many other businesses, seen revenues drop off as a result of the Bush/Greenspan Recession.

Would you:

A) Figure out a way to lower prices on some services to attract more business.
B) Adjust your hours to make it more convenient for your customers who also have jobs.
C) Raise your prices.
D) Cut your hours, thus making it less convenient for people to use your business.
E) A and B.
F ) C and D.
G) None of the above.

If you chose Answer "F", you probably are the Postmaster General of the US.

And, in a nutshell, that is one of the reasons why your organization is dying. The very last thing that the Postal Service cares about is providing decent customer service.

My local post office has cut its service hours a lot. Not two miles down the road from them is a UPS store.

One fine guess as to where I now go to send packages.


  1. In all fairness. Most of the "mail" we get is catalogs, flyers, colorful items from J.C. Penny, etc. Let the U.S. Postal Service raise the rates for all of the advertising pieces and they could dramatically reduce the national debt.

  2. I have a used book store that has a postal center in it. Now, I can send off stuff, buy stamps, and get a book fix all at the same time. I'd like to see the regular post office lure me away from that trifecta!

    word verify: poplate
    meaning: Popcorn kernels that burst after the microwave shuts off.


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