Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Pro-Torture Church

White evangelical Christians make up the pro-torture church. 62% say that torture is often or sometimes justified. When you add in the 17% who say that it is rarely justified, you get to a stunning 79% of evangelicals who would gladly put you on the rack and tear your limbs out.

The people least likely to approve of the use of torture are the heathens who don't go to church.

If I were a Christian and if I believed in all of the "Prince of Peace" and "turn the other cheek" and "God is Love" stuff that I see on the signboards outside of the churches, I'd be seriously depressed at that.

But I am not a Christian.



  1. I suppose if the christians left started to raise a stink that torture is wrong the rest would want to throw them out saying that they didn't love god or some shit like that.

  2. WWJT - Who Would Jesus Torture?

  3. they're not Christians, either.

  4. Montag, I wish I had used htat as the title of the entry. It is perfect.

  5. amazing......... but on par with a lot of what else those christians claim


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