Thursday, April 16, 2009

Physical Conditioning

These girls have it!

I'll bet that any one of those kids would put the squids watching it to shame in any test involving physical condition.


  1. Bet the next BUD/S class has to do it...

  2. Lordy!
    As one who failed to master even basic jump roping, I stand in awe of those blondes.
    Speaking of which, with so many toeheads out there jumping, were those girls from Utah?

  3. Ohio. They are 4th-7th graders from the Kings Local School School District in Kings Mills, Ohio.

  4. Immortals, one and all. They've practiced that routine for 300 years just to get the timing and synchronization down. Simply awesome! (Hmmm! I wonder if Skippy can do that.)


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