Sunday, April 12, 2009

I Was Watching This Piece From the Brits

The topic was the talking head newsreaders. First he blasted the ones in Old Blighty, then he laid into the ones over here. I just about lost it when he said that "Fox generally leans more to the right than a man who just had his right leg blown off."

"Bill [O'Reilly] gets wound up by virtually anything to the left of Mussolini, hectoring and yowling like a wolf that's got his nuts caught on a coat-hanger. "

Don't worry, he also gets his whacks in on Hannity and Beck.

Too funny.



  1. That is brilliant. Typically when I see a video clip coming in at a bit under 10 minutes, I won't waste my time, but this is well worth every second. Thanks, EB!

  2. The sad part is that so much of the population takes these whackjobs to be disciples of knowledge and wisdom.


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