Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Holy Crap!

A very high speed drive through the streets of Paris in the 1970s.

All real.

(Updated with a different source. They cannot stop the signal.)


  1. Thanks for the post. 'Rendezvouz' was filmed in the early 70's, with Claude Lelouche driving his own Ferrari 250GT thru the streets of PAris. The film documents his third attempt, with the first two aborted due to trafiic issues. Lelouche made this film after working with John Frankenheimer on 'Grand Prix', circa 1968... the film was also not released for several years to avoid prosecution by the authorities for his reckless driving, and he is seen meeting his wife at the end of the film. Most of the engine and tyre sounds were dubbed in post, but the driving is indeed real. One of my all-time favorite pieces of cineme verite'!

  2. Thanks for the back-story, Bob. A masterful bit of driving, if a bit insane. Steve McQueen (Bullitt), eat your heart out!

  3. Someone check the tire brand the guy used-- I need a set of them.


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