Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Fifteen Minutes

That is the time I used to allow between getting into bed and turning out the light. I would read a little, usually something very light, and then go to sleep.

Not any more. That time is now alloted to the cats. As soon as I get into bed and pull the covers over me, George is there. He walks onto my torso and either sits or lies down and begins purring. So I pet him. Then either Jake or Gracie will make an appearance. When it is all three, somebody has to share and they are not pleased.

Bedtime is one of the two times in the day that George wants attention. The other time is when I get out of the shower; George jumps onto the sink and waits until I have dried myself off and put on a bathrobe. Then I pick George up and carry him, like a baby, all around the apartment. He seems to enjoy looking at everything from a higher vantage point. When the ride is finished, George gets down and then it is time for his treats. (George's idea of treats is a few bits of Friskie's kibble.)

It's getting into shedding season, so I'm combing Jake and Gracie. Jake is a short-haired cat and he sheds an unbelievable amount of hair. George hates being combed or brushed, so in a few weeks, he'll go in for his annual "lion cut."


  1. Everytime I think about getting Morris a lion cut, I think of you.

  2. When you have a cat which tends to have mated fur and who won't tolerate being brushed or combed, it's about the only option left.


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