Sunday, April 12, 2009


As a veteran of the Great Canoe Club, allow me to raise a steady middle finger to all of those people who accused the Navy of "dithering on the high seas" while four pirates were holding Captain Phillips of the M/V Maersk Alabama hostage in a lifeboat.

Captain Phillips is free and well. Three of the pirates are now "good" pirates. The fourth pirate is in custody.


  1. It makes me giggle.

    Tango: "We want two million American dollars!"


    Navy: "How about three rifle bullets? How's that grab ya?"

  2. Wells stated. I myself wondered why our Navy had not just showed up, kicked ass and let the sorting out up to the cloud guy. And I think my opinion is tainted by the recent past and allowed myself to be influenced by a government that did everything for all the wrong readons. Like those sailors were more interested in what's for dinner than saving Mr. Philips. And I aploigize for that.

  3. See, you can't blame the Navy, as they had to wait for various governmental fucktards to decide what the proper, politically safe action was.

    I'll bet they were pissed as Hell waiting for various REMFs to pull their heads out of their asses.

  4. I'll bet it was more of a matter of waiting for a chance to shoot all of them simultaneously. That probably entails a lot of waiting.

    Three dead, one to be returned to a long life in Federal prison.


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