Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Another Victory for the Club for Growth

Arlen Specter has switched parties. That leaves 40 from the Party of Hoover left in the Senate.

I do not feel at all bad for the GOP. One of these days, they may learn the lesson that if you run a party based on the whacko fringe, you are going to be a small minority. The GOP has surrendered to its radicals and they have been energetic in punishing anyone in the party who does not hew to the Gospel of El Rushbo.

The GOP has abandoned any claim to the political middle, which may be one of the reasons why, even in a congressional district where they had a clear majority in party registrations, they still lost a special election a few weeks ago.

Look for Susan Collins and/or Olympia Snowe to be next to jump.


  1. It will be interesting to see if his voting record improves. He was a better fit as a Republican, even before they started to lean on him to stick to the company line. My guess is that he'll be pretty much like Casey, PA's other Senator.

  2. One-party rule is a dangerous sword that can cut both ways, though. Even hard-sore Dems ought to be wary of it.

    You have said as much yourself.

  3. Cranky, I have indeed said that.


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