Sunday, March 8, 2009

Why I Should Not Watch Network TV

It seems that if I like a show, it gets axed.

ABC has canceled Life on Mars

I thought the show was a little too quirky for network TV. It probably would have done OK on basic cable. ABC will probably replace it with another one of those fucktard "reality" shows.

At least they are going to wrap up the storyline.


  1. If you find a good, intelligent, and entertaining show on network tv, it was a mistake, and it will be promptly canceled when the error is discovered and/or when the audience starts to really enjoy it.

  2. One word: Firefly.

    Three Words: Dead Like Me

  3. On the bright side, you can still get the UK version off Amazon.

  4. Mark,

    I'll probably pass. Most of all, I like the show because of Harvey Keitel.

  5. It originally had Colm Meany cast in his role, you know.

    But really, it's worth watching.

  6. Mark,

    I know, and the original (if "original" can be used when discussing a cloned show) was set in Los Angeles.


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