Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Who Knew There Were Such Benefits to Higher Taxes?

Coulter is claiming that the prospect of higher taxes is forcing her to stop publishing books. (H/T)

Cry me a river.

There was a time when there were over fifty tax brackets, there are six now. Apparently the top tax bracket during World War II kicked in at $200,000, which is equivalent to over $2 million now. Why don't we bring back more brackets and ramp them up into the "slam the frakking hedge fund vultures" range?

Heck, if we set the top tax bracket to 95% for those making over $30 million, maybe el Rushbo will go back to his old job of swinging a sledgehammer in a slaughterhouse.

1 comment:

  1. hell I'll pay more taxes if it'll keep her from published more of her mind numbing works of crap.


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