Sunday, March 29, 2009

What the Hell?

I was browsing through my stats-a-majigger and noticed that Salmon Alley, a new blog, had linked to me.  Cool, I believe in reciprocity, so I went to the blogger control gizzie to open up the layout and add it.  The initial buttons are "new post," "edit posts" (which I have to do a lot because I am a lousy poofredder), "layout" and "view blog."

Well, they've added a new one, called "monetize."  

What the fuck?  "Monetize?"  If I click on it, will my printer start pumping out Benjamins?  I don't do Federal criminal law, but I'm pretty sure that's illegal.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! You noticed me! I am just starting out but passionate as they come. I have yet to start writing my own posts, but plan to soon. I don't get the monetize thing either, looks like a cross between a waste of time and another corporate intrusion. Thanks for the link! Now I'll have to pay attention! -greendayman


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