Sunday, March 29, 2009

Traffic Cameras: Nothing to Do With Safety

They are all about raising revenue, which is why there are at least two companies that are making a boatload of money putting the cameras in various cities and towns.

Anyone who does not recognize that a lot of places use traffic tickets as a revenue generator has to either believe in the Easter Bunny or is seriously addled.  There is one town in Ohio, Linndale, that has a few hundred feet of I-71 going through the town; they put a cruiser out there almost around the clock to hand out tickets.  If you are going 0.0025mph over the speed limit, you get a ticket and the fines make up 80% of the income for the town's government.

That is just morally wrong and it breeds contempt for the law.  That is right up there with the towns that have parking meters that are set to run fast in order to generate parking tickets (or money from people who overfeed the meters).  Money from traffic fines should be prohibited from going to local governments.

1 comment:

  1. There are a couple of sites that show how the Brits deal with their traffic cameras. Fire, explosives, and HP rifles. Neat.


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