First, there is the 14 year-old girl who posts a bunch of nude photos of herself on MySpace.
But the no-holds barred top morons of this story are New Jersey State Attorney General Anne Milgram, Passaic County Chief Assistant Prosecutor Susan Greco and the jackbooted goons in the Passaic County Sheriff's Department, who arrested and are seeking to charge the girl for child pornography, thereby branding her for life as a sex offender.
Nice way to teach a young girl a lesson, people: Threaten to completely destroy her life for the next sixty or seventy years. That'll learn her, but good.
Greco says that they'll probably plea-bargain it out.
I have a better idea: Drop the charges. Then make everyone involved; the girl, Greco, Milgram, the officious jerks at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (who called the cops) and the cops walk back and forth for four afternoons in front of the New Jersey Statehouse while wearing sandwich boards that say: "I am a Stupid Person." Passers-by will be encouraged to throw eggs at the adults.
Child pornography laws were intended to punish adults for exploiting children, not punish children for exploiting themselves. To call Milgram, Greco and the others morons is to be overly generous; their true level of intelligence is closer to that of idiots.