Tuesday, March 17, 2009

So, What's Happening in the Clean World?

I am starting to feel better.  My fever is way down, less than a degree above my normal.  Today is the first day in awhile where I actually have an appetite.  I'm going to have "white people comfort food," steak and potatoes.

Yesterday was not a good time.


  1. I hope you're feeling better today. Blech to what you've had. It needs to get on out of you now.

  2. I went into work, but I lasted until lunchtime. I'm going to see the doc tomorrow.

    I'd crawl into bed, but Jake has a follow-up with the vet later.

  3. Right on, Pork chops are charring as I type.
    That was a wicked fucking head cold, everyone I work with has it, all the way to the receptionist in a different building.Every single employee.

    Give old Jake a pat for me.


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