Monday, March 23, 2009

Maybe They Should Look In His Mattress

The trustees trying to find all of Madoff's cash found $75 million salted away in an account in Gibraltar.

Maybe they ought to also try digging up the backyards in his various homes.


  1. You know something stinks in this whole thing. Opportunity only knocks once! How's his health? It is all just too neat and packaged. Maybe I'm wrong but this guy is smart and the amount of money is just to big. I don't trust it.

  2. they claim they found $1 billion - yeah right... they wont find a nickel - and if they do, they people bilked out of it wont see it anyway.

  3. Perhaps the CIA would enjoy sharing their waterboard just one more time with Bernie. I'll bet he'd be glad to splain where the money went.


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