Friday, March 13, 2009

Battlestar Galactica- "Islanded in a Stream of Stars"

At the end of last week's episode (passing over the latest in the "Skin-Job Soap Opera"), Admiral Adama has told his XO that he will order a halt to the repairs to the Galactica and abandon the ship.

Which leads to the inevitable question of what will happen to the ship. I cannot imagine them stripping the Galactica down to an ignominious hulk and abandoning her.

I have two ideas how this is going to end. Either way, the Colonials are going to get intel on where the new Cylon main base is. Then the Galactica will either go all "wild bunch" on them or the Galactica will come in as a diversion, allowing the Colonials and their rebel Cylon allies to break the back of Cavil's Cylons.

Two episodes left to wrap this story up.

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