Sunday, March 15, 2009

Battlestar Galactica, "Daybreak, Pt.1"

Since it is a two-parter, I'm not commenting until the conclusion.

If you have to manually set your VCR/DVR, please note that the conclusion of the series is two-hours long.


  1. Surfed over from Dcap's place after seeing the heading. The last several Battlestar episodes have confused the hell out of me about as much as "Lost". How did the Final Five get to the colonies, I missed something somewhere.

  2. Hey EB--

    Kaspersky is popping warnings about a phishing link apparently somewhere on your site.

  3. ...and it's popping a warning on Badtux's site too. The URL in that warning is nathanstudy dot blogspot dot com slash favico dot ico.

  4. Deadstick, I just did a "view page source" and I cannot find that link. It is a wingnut site on badtux's blog.

    Beach Bum, the final five started on Earth 2,000 years before the present day (show's time). They didn't have FTL drives. Following there own Cylon civil war (skin jobs v. metal), they went at high relativistic speeds to the colonies, only to find the first Cylon-Human war underway. They cut a deal with the Colonial's Cylons: "End the war and we will help you develop biological technology."

    Their first prototype, the Cavil/#1 model, hijacked everything to restart the war with the Colonies.

  5. OK, the mysterious warnings are gone on all sites now...just a malignant something passing in the night, I guess.


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