Friday, February 27, 2009

Well, Maybe Some Democrats Have a Clue

I ranted this morning that the congressional Democrats seemed to be hell-bent on fucking up the same way they did in 1994.

Seems that Nancy Pelosi is saying "not so fast." And at least two Democratic senators have said they oppose reinstating the Brady Bill "assault rifle" ban. Which means they'd need more than a few Republican senators would have to cross over to vote for a new ban.

Which isn't going to happen in the rational-based universe.

(H/T to Marko)


  1. There should be many more than two Democrats that would vote against an AWB, many more.

  2. Earl, I agree. I can probably come up with maybe six senators, if not more, who would be against an AWB.

    There will be no AWB in this Congress or, for that matter, the next few. Talk about such is only good for appeasing the gun-control lunatics in the Democratic party and for fund-raising by the 2nd Amendment groups.


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