Saturday, February 21, 2009

Supply Lines, Pt II

Let the pundits and the rest bloviate about the Obama Administration sending additional troops to Afghanistan. That's the stuff of amateur strategists. Professionals worry about how those troops will be supplied before they worry about what to do with the troops.

Kyrgyzstan served an eviction notice regarding the Manus Air Base on the US Ambassador.

SecDef Gates thinks that this is not a closed issue. I am not as optimistic, I don't see how the Kyrgyzstanis can easily back down without showing a really hefty bonus to justify their reversal.

The reasons behind all of this may be murky, but I don't know of anyone who is not convinced that the reasons for the base closure lie in the Kremlin. The Russians have said they are willing to provide logistical transport routes to Afghanistan, but the price will, no doubt, be high.

Let us not forget that all of this is because the Bush Admininstration neglected to finish what they began. They turned thier backs on Afghanistan, much in the same way that President George H.W. Bush did, and with much the same result. Bush also stuck with backing a military dictator who was not willing to confront the true danger facing his country and was not willing or able to take on the Taliban sympathizers within his own government.

If Afghanistan cannot be salvaged, the blame will rest with the Doofus from Dallas.

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