Tuesday, February 10, 2009

So You Ran a Bank and Ran It Into the Ground

Maybe you ran a bank that once had a market capitalization of a few hundred billion dollars and now there are MetroCards that are worth more than your bank. Maybe you took tens of billions of dollars from the Federal government and used 10% to hand out huge bonuses to yourself and your buddies.

You'd think, what with the change in administrations, that maybe you might have to cut back on your lavish lifestyle. Maybe you feared for your job.

Well, I'm here to tell you this: Don't worry, you're not going to have to sell your summer home in the Hamptons or move to Brooklyn or take the subway or wear cheap suits from Men's Wearhouse.

For Tim Geithner has your back.


  1. Of course. Geithner can't be arsed to follow the law; why wouldn't he help his brother crooks out?

    Obama should have bounced that 'tard HARD when his tax-dodging came to light. Geithner wasn't going to do the right thing and bow out on his own.

    He's going to be a credibility problem for the Administration.

  2. So it didn't work the first time, so the Obamatrons are going to do it again? I retract my suggestion that the Obamatrons were evil but smart. Maybe they're not as dumb as the Busheviks were (the sheer amount of suck coming from the Bushevik regime, it's a wonder that Washington D.C. wasn't turned into a gigantic black hole), but it's clear that they're both evil *and* stupid to do the same half-assed bullshit that didn't work for the Busheviks and isn't going to work for them either...

    - Badtux the Disgusted Penguin


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