(H/T for graph to Rising Hegemon)
A blog by a "sucker" and a "loser" who served her country in the Navy.
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Slava Ukraini!
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A Democrat and a Republican were looking at a horse called Economy and why it was not moving. “It’s sick,” the Democrat said. “We need to take it to the vet and have him looked at and find out what’s wrong with him.” “No no,” the Republican replied, “he’s just lazy. I’ll beat him with my big stick called Tax Cut and he’ll be back out there ploughing the field in no time.” So the Republican started beating the horse with the big stick called Tax Cut. An hour or so later and the Democrat walked around to the front of the horse and noted, “He’s not breathing. I think he’s dead.” The Republican replied, “no, he’s just pining for the fjords. If I beat him some more with my big stick called Tax Cut, he’ll be out there ploughing the field in a jiffy.” A few hours after that, the Democrat opened Economy’s mouth, and noted flies buzzing out. “This Economy is rotting,” the Democrat said, and the Republican said “I guess I’ll have to beat him with my big stick called Tax Cut even more, then.” The Democrat shook his head and said, “You’re beating a dead horse, dude! You killed the Economy by not taking him to the vet and getting what ailed him fixed!” Then the Republican glared at the Democrat and said, “You’re not being bipartisan. We have to both beat Economy with this big stick called Tax Cut or you’re just a hater.” And that is where we’re at right now.
ReplyDelete- Badtux the Parable Penguin
i am so convinced the gop wants all of their non-members to just go away, or die of starvation, or both
ReplyDeleteDCap, they want most of us to go away and die, including most of their members.