Friday, February 6, 2009

Arguing While the Building Burns

Nearly 600,000 jobs were lost last month. The U-3 unemployment rate is 7.6%, the U-6 rate is 15.4%, though the Federales do "seasonally adjusted" magic to drop it to 13.9%

In the meantime, as you can see from the Daily Show clip from two posts back, the Senate continues to engage in stupid rhetorical games, such as debating how much land surface would be covered by a blanket of a trillion dollar bills, taped together.[1] This is like watching two teams of fireman engaging in a spirited debate over which size hose to use while your house burns to the ground.

What I see is a stimulus plan that is more-or-less grounded in economic theory being pecked to death by a bunch of mental midgets who are arguing their points based not on theory or facts, but on an ideology which has already proven to be a spectacular failure. If anything, given the size of the economy in this country, the stimulus package may be too small.

This strikes me as a time when bold measures are better than half-measures. Letting the dead-enders of the Party of Hoover do further damage to the economy is beyond wrong. It is economic sabotage and the actions of a clique of people who have proven that they care less about this country than they do about their party.

[1]My answer is 3,734 square miles, in case you care.


  1. Umm, let me try a simpler calculation ... [600,000 times 12...] that's 7.2 million. I wish Sen. Thune would have his staff do that one.

    If this continues to be the attitude of our "leadership", we are so screwed.

  2. I stumbled across the following link in a comment at "Ornery Bastard" today that is a fitting comment on all the government bull shit. It's a song by Jim Hinde. You should put it up on your site. Very much worth the listen:


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