Friday, February 27, 2009


I'm fighting off some kind of bug, so my blogging may be terser and less frequent.

Go surf Ye Olde Blogge Rolle, if you're bored.

On another note:
Former GOP presidential nominee John McCain warned Wednesday that the United States is losing the war in Afghanistan.
Hey, Grampa! Who was the president who first sent troops there and then diverted the resources needed to secure the initial tactical victory?

I know that was a long time ago, for you guys in the party of Hoover seemed to be afflicted with an inability to recall anything that happened more than 37 days ago, but let me refresh your memory: His name was George W. Bush and he was the guy that you thought was doing such a great job.


  1. I got an email this morning with a link to a federal fact sheet on the economic stimulus plan. I'm sending the link to same for your information:

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Esteemed Comrade:

    "I'm fighting off some kind of bug, so my blogging may be terser and less frequent."

    Define terser please[G] Hope ya feel better, he wrote tersely.



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