Tuesday, January 6, 2009

You Lost. Man Up And Suck It Up

That was the advice that the denizens on the Right were so happy to hand out in 2000, after Bush "won" the election: "Our guy won, your guy lost, suck it up" was their cry.

Ah, how things have changed in eight years! Here is a photo of now-former-Senator-and-current-sore-loser Norm Coleman, as he announced that he was going to file a lawsuit because he lost the senatorial election in Minnesota:

Suck it up, Norm. Go have a drink with Libby Dole; after all, you have so much in common.

(What a fucking douchebag)

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA at the graphic!

    Norm won't go quietly...bet on it. And yes, he is a giant douche.


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