Saturday, January 17, 2009

Multiple Topics. Deal With It.

I found this over at Alternate Brain:

Like Gordon, I'm distrustful of the "born again" stuff.

But there are still about 20-30% of the population that thinks Bush did an adequate job and there were over 40% who thought that having an ignorant self-absorbed imbecile in the White House had worked out so well that they wanted to put another such fool one weak heartbeat away from the Oval Office. Beyond that, the party of Hoover is still doing its level best to destroy the economy of this nation so that the rich people will have plenty of servants, so I am not terribly optimistic.

If you want to see what the Hooverites really want, I give you Zimbabwe as an example, where a brutal self-absorbed dictator has destroyed a nation. Note that Mugabe thinks that Zimbabwe is his property, in the same way that Bush thinks that the government is his property. (Only with Bush, his lease is up and he has to get the fuck out of town to await his arrest warrant.)

It is becoming clear in Zimbabwe that nothing will be fixed until Mugabe is put in the ground.

1 comment:

  1. Spirituality can be discerned by just a vibe.
    Religion has to be trumpeted because so many of its fans hide behind it so they can be lousy bastards.
    When someone mentions God more than once in any encounter, I automatically suspect their motives.
    I'm usually proven right.


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