Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Loyalist Gig Has Its Costs

One day last week, Michael Castine, also of Korn/Ferry, said he had received calls from half a dozen senior White House aides "who don't have anything in the hopper yet " He said, "They are loyalists who stayed the course and are not sure what they're going to do."
Good luck with that job hunt.

Here is the thing: If you are coming from an employer who had a widely-known reputation for prizing loyalty above competence, then even if you had a high-power job, nobody is going to assume that you have a skill other than in "advanced ass-kissing."

(H/T to Dan Brown)


  1. So far, it seems only one of Bush's former ass kissers has landed a job...managing an Abercrombie & Fitch.

  2. yeah... and I see here on your job application that you graduated from a small online christian univerisity with a degree in communications and I'm wondering how that qualified you to be second in command at the Environmental Protection Agency.

    and days later.....

    we regret to inform you that we filled the position of mail room clerk. We appreciate your interest in the position and will keep your application on file (LOL) for further review.


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