Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Farce is Dead

Or irony, you choose:
Joe The Plumber is putting down his wrenches and picking up a reporter’s notebook.The Ohio man who became a household name during the presidential campaign says he is heading to Israel as a war correspondent for the conservative Web site (deleted).
Really. Some loud-mouthed tax-dodging semi-intelligent Right-wing douchebag is going to go play war correspondent and he is qualified for that job how, exactly? Not because of his military service (none) or his education (slight) or his plumbing license (non-existent) or his career prospects (zero, he's unemployed) or his previous experience (zilch).

This clown picking up a laptop or a microphone and calling himself a plumber is as laughable as if I picked up a stethoscope and proclaimed that I am a physician. Every real reporter in this country (most of whom have been taking pay cuts for the last few years) will probably head for the package store to buy some cheap vodka upon hearing that "Joe the Plumber" is now a "Joe the Reporter."

(H/T to One Fly)


  1. His performance will be about the norm for mass media.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. please, you answer your own question. This loud-mouthed tax-dodging semi-intelligent Right-wing douchebag is playing reporter because he's doing it for a loud-mouthed, semi-intelligent, Right-wing douchebag blog. A match made in heaven.

    It was more a rhetorical question, Doug


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