Sunday, January 4, 2009

"Domestic Terrorist Groups"

According to the Maryland State Police, these were "terrorist groups" requiring covert monitoring:
  • Amnesty International, for the crime of "civil rights."
  • The DC Anti-War Network, "white supremacists."
  • Code Pink.
  • Catholic nuns.
  • People opposed to the death penalty.
  • People in favor of bike lanes.
Nobody was ever arrested, let alone charged because of the spying by the Maryland KGB State Police. Nobody has ever been disciplined by the State of Maryland; on the contrary, they've been promoted.

I hope the taxpayers of Maryland are ready to shell out huge sums in legal fees and judgments.

And anyone who thinks that this is not going on elsewhere (betcherass the NYPD is doing the same thing) is seriously delusional.


  1. Ho hum. Just another day in Soviet America.

    And yeah, the NYPD was already sued over this, and lost big time in court. They're probably still doing it though. After all, what's gonna happen to them if they're caught again -- they're gonna get sued again, and then pay taxpayer money to settle the lawsuit? WTF do they care about taxpayer money, it's not *their* (the NYPD's) money...

    - Badtux the "Lawsuits ain't solvin' nuthin'" Penguin

  2. Add to that list "People who enter the Amtrak Picture-Our-Train contest". They offered a $250 prize for the best picture of one of their trains, then arrested a guy in Penn Station for, well, taking a picture of one of their trains.


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