Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Do These Guys Also Pick Stocks and Horses?

From the Onion, eight years ago:
Mere days from assuming the presidency and closing the door on eight years of Bill Clinton, president-elect George W. Bush assured the nation in a televised address Tuesday that "our long national nightmare of peace and prosperity is finally over."


"Finally, the horrific misrule of the Democrats has been brought to a close," House Majority Leader Dennis Hastert (R-IL) told reporters. "Under Bush, we can all look forward to military aggression, deregulation of dangerous, greedy industries, and the defunding of vital domestic social-service programs upon which millions depend. Mercifully, we can now say goodbye to the awful nightmare that was Clinton's America."
Fuck. Just "fuck." Go read the piece. It was supposed to be satire, but it turned out to be the truth. It might as well have been printed today as a summary of what the Chimperor's misrule brought about.

There are a lot of people who should be cursed out for the last eight years. But I will reserve my most potent curses for both the people of Palm Beach County, who were unable to decipher a fucking ballot, and Kenneth Blackwell, the man who stole the 2004 election.

(H/T to Jill)


  1. Holy crap. That's... terrifying. It's like they knew the future.

    I found a newspaper dispenser thingy with actual printed copies of The Onion in it last night. Who knew?

  2. Yep, The Onion is distributed on paper in ten major markets, with locally targeted advertising.


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