Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Baby Lawyer

This really did happen:

A mother and her child were at home. Mom was sitting at the dining room table, reading the morning newspaper, when she heard noises from up the stairs.

"Sweetheart, don't play on the stairs."

"OK, Mommy."

Ten minutes later: Thumpity-thump-thump--"Waaaaaaa!"

Mom rushed out of the dining room to the stairs, found the child crying at the foot of the stairs and said, in a loud tone of voice: "I told you not to play on the stairs!"

In between sobs, the child replied: "I was playing on the landing!" (The staircase turned 90 degrees about six steps up from the bottom and had a landing at the turn.)

Yeah, that kid's going to grow up to be a lawyer. Or a politician.

(H/T to my sister)

1 comment:

  1. Oh. That sounds like some of the literal hair-splitters I live with!


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