Overall, Republicans favor tax cuts over new spending as a strategy for economic recovery. They cite the new CBO deficit estimates as Exhibit A for limiting new government spending in the form of stimulus.“The deficit estimate makes it clearer than ever that we cannot borrow and spend our way back to prosperity when we’re already running an annual deficit of more than 1 trillion dollars,” said House Republican leader John Boehner (R) of Ohio, in a statement.Let's review, shall we, which president used tax cuts as a way to change the Federal budget from having a surplus of over $200 billion a year to having deficits more than twice that amount. Then let's talk about which president then went on to conduct at least two wars, both completely funded with deficit spending. And while we are at it, let's remind ourselves which political party had control of both houses of Congress during most of that profligacy, shall we?
During all of that time, from the party of Hoover, there was not a single peep about the impact of Bush's huge tax cuts for rich people on the Federal deficit. They were completely silent, other than maybe John McCain, on the damage that the Bush Administration was doing to the treasury. No, the thieves from the party of Hoover treated the Treasury as a bank to be raided. All of a sudden, they are concerned about budget deficits? Where the hell were they when Bush was handing out huge tax cuts to his rich country-club asshole buddies?
Now that we are teetering on the edge of another depression, the party of Hoover is, in essence, saying that we are better off going through a depression rather than spend the money it will take to try and stop, or at least mitigate, the catastrophic impacts of a depression. They take that position because their rich friends will survive another depression and, let's be candid about it, a depression will break the spines of the poor and the middle classes, which are goals that the party of Hoover has had since the end of the Second World War.
The party of Hoover, by refusing to regulate or oversee the house of cards that was built by the swindlers in the financial services sector, brought this incipient depression about. The party of Hoover is like a convenience store operator that sold some kids two gallons of gasoline and a lighter, watched them splash the gas over a house across the street, refused to call the fire department or the police, and is now complaining about the amount of water being used by the fire department to put out the fire.
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