Thursday, January 8, 2009

Airplane; Owns; Who; Someone; For; Sorry; Feel; Never

The mechanic called back. The gas leak was due to a deteriorated needle in the carburetor, or something like that. When they taxiied the airplane to the maintenance hangar, they noticed that one of the brakes was really soft, so they fixed that. They saw traces of an exhaust leak from one of the exhaust pipes, so that was three gaskets on one side, plus a few helicoils.

Oh, and the oil leak? They think the dipstick may have been loose. They're not sure, because they did tighten the hose clamps to the oil filter and it's not leaking.

Fifteen hours of labor, too.

Guess where my next paycheck is going (almost to the fraking dime).


  1. But you'll be safe now.

    I suspect debris over a bad needle. They got this down. The primary reason they fail is because of neglect.

  2. 15 hours X $60? That'd be a bunch of money.

  3. $60/hr would be very cheap around here.


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