Saturday, December 20, 2008

"Our Officers Did Nothing Wrong When They Attempted to Kidnap a Girl From Her Yard."

That's the basic line of shit being handed out by the City of Galveston.

A 12 year old girl went outside of her house, at her mother's request, to reset the circuit beaker. Three guys tried to kidnap her; she screamed for her father, who came out and fought with the kidnappers.

Turns out the kidnappers were vice cops, in plain clothes, operating on the assumption that any girl outside of her own home after dark had to be a hooker.

And so, in the usual move that cops make when they make an illegal arrest and it turns bad for them, they charged the girl and her father with resisting arrest. That's one of the oldest tricks in the book, for it also give the cops a bit of leverage in the inevitable civil suit.

Those cops were lucky, though. In much of Texas, the father would have come out with a rifle or a shotgun and killed them all. Or have been killed by them, in which case they might have had to worry about being charged with a Federal civil rights crime.

(H/T to RS)

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